Sea Princesses Wiki

Ester: Will you look at that?
Tubarina: At what?
Ester: Over there.
Polvina: You mean that gorgeous little parrotfish? [it’s actually an angelfish]
Tubarina: Oh, isn’t he cute?
Ester: No, not him, next to him. That monster crab!
[claws clacking]
Polvina: That’s a spidercrab. They’re the biggest crabs in the sea.
Tubarina: Eh, I’ve seen bigger.
Ester: Where?
Tubarina: There!
[claws clacking]
Polvina: Two spidercrabs? What are they doing here?
Ester: I don’t know, but they don’t look happy.
Tubarina: Maybe we should back off a little.
Ester: How about we back off a lot?
Polvina: And quickly!
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
Tubarina: They shouldn’t be fighting.
Polvina: It’s against the Laws of Salacia.
Ester: What should we do?
Tubarina: Let’s go see Sirilo. He’ll know what to do.
Sirilo: Uh, I don’t know what to do.
Ester: You have to do something.
Sirilo: I could ask my mother and father.
Polvina: All the kings and queens are at a meeting.
Tubarina: It has to be you.
Sirilo: Me?
Ester: This is where you say…
Sirilo: What do I say?
Ester: “I can do it!”
Sirilo: Uh… I can… do it?
Ester: Great! Let’s go and sort them out.
Sirilo: I can’t do it!
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
Ester: Tell them that you’re the Crab Prince.
Tubarina: Tell them that they’re not allowed to fight here.
Polvina: Tell them that they shouldn’t fight anywhere.
Sirilo: That’s… a lot to tell them.
Ester: You can do it, Sirilo!
Polvina: Just ask them nicely.
Sirilo: Ah…
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
Sirilo: Uh, hello. [coughs] Hello?
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
Sirilo: I’m Sirilo, the Crab Prince. [breathe] You can’t fight here, it’s not allowed, you know? Please stop?
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
Sirilo: [returns to girls] They won’t stop.
Ester: So much for asking nicely.
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
[everyone screaming and swimming away]
[girls gasping]
Ester: What’s the fighting actually about, Sirilo?
Sirilo: They’re fighting over who’s the strongest.
Tubarina: That’s all?
Polvina: How silly.
Sirilo: It’s not as simple as that.
Ester: What else is involved?
Sirilo: It’s like uh… it is that simple.
Polvina: Well, we can’t do anything about them now.
Tubarina: We’ve got school.
Ester: Come on.
[school bell rings, students chattering]
Ester: Do we have any plans after school?
Sirilo: I’m going to make this really great snack. Marcello showed me how to do it.
Polvina: Ester is talking about a plan for the spidercrabs.
Sirilo: Oh, I don’t have a plan for that.
Tubarina: If our plan is to have no plan, it’s working great.
Sirilo: My mother and father will still be at that meeting. I-I can’t ask them for help.
Ester: Maybe the spidercrabs won’t be fighting anymore.
Tubarina: They will be.
Polvina: How do you know? Did you see them again?
Tubarina: I did.
Ester: When?
Tubarina: Right now.
[claws clacking, everyone screaming]
Ester: Let’s get out of here!
[everyone screaming]
Polvina: We can’t have them taking over our school!
Tubarina: You must be able to do something, Sirilo.
Sirilo: Yeah, I-I could… Uh, what could I do?
Ester: You say…
Sirilo: I never know what to say.
Ester: “I’m the Crab Prince, and I will show them I’m the Crab Prince!”
Sirilo: I’m the Crab Prince, and I’ll prince the crab, and I’ll show… what?
Tubarina: Ah, not perfect, but close enough.
Sirilo: [marching] Those fighting spidercrabs are giving crabs a bad name in Salacia. If we go and tell them to stop, all of us together, they might listen. Who’s with me?
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
Sirilo: Hey guys, wait a second. They’ve run away.
Ester: You can’t blame them.
Polvina: Everyone’s afraid of the spidercrabs.
Tubarina: And we should be too. Like now!
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
[everyone screaming]
Polvina: What are we going to do? Those bullies are taking over Salacia!
Ester: How long will they keep fighting, Sirilo?
Sirilo: Until one of them decides the other is stronger and gives up.
Ester: Will that be sooner or later?
Sirilo: Could be soon, or later, or way later.
Polvina: We can’t go anywhere until they stop.
Tubarina: At least we’re safe in here.
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
[everyone screaming]
Ester: What where you saying, Tubarina?
Tubarina: Forget what I said. Nowhere is safe!
Polvina: Can you try talking to them again, Sirilo?
Sirilo: The only thing a spidercrab pays any attention to is another spidercrab.
Tubarina: [gasp] I know what to do!
Polvina: Good, a plan!
Ester: As long as it’s not something silly like we dress up as a big spidercrab.
Tubarina: [scoffs] Alright then. Back to you, Sirilo.
[everyone screaming]
Ester: Can’t we speed up this fight, Sirilo?
Tubarina: Well, yeah, get one of them to admit the other is stronger.
Sirilo: I can’t see how.
Polvina: What if… someone else was stronger than them?
Tubarina: How would that help?
Polvina: They challenge the spidercrabs and the spidercrabs both back down.
Ester: What’s stronger than a spidercrab?
Tubarina: Whales?
Ester: Deep sea eels?
Polvina: Barracudas?
Sirilo: The spidercrabs won’t take notice of any of them.
Polvina: I know… Sirilo!
Ester and Tubarina: Sirilo?
Sirilo: I’m not stronger than those spidercrabs.
Polvina: Not now you aren’t, but you will be.
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
Tubarina: There they are.
Ester: They haven’t slowed down at all.
Sirilo: I can’t do this!
Polvina: You can!
Tubarina: You won’t let us down.
Polvina: We’re with you all the way.
Ester: And you say…
Sirilo: I can do this!
Ester: You’ve got it!
Tubarina: So go to it! [Sirilo does so]
Ester: You really think he can do it?
Tubarina: He has to do it, otherwise life in Salacia is going to be miserable!
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
Sirilo: You two? Listen here. [gulps]
Polvina: Hang in there, Sirilo!
Sirilo: Uh, yeah, I’m talkin’ to you. So, you both think you’re strong?
[crabs jabbering]
Sirilo: And you wanna prove who’s stronger?
[crabs jabbering]
Sirilo: I know who has the most strength.
[crabs jabbering]
Sirilo: Me.
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
Ester: Annoy them, Sirilo!
Sirilo: You’re so weak, you couldn’t push a sick jellyfish off a rock.
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
Sirilo: You’re typical bullies. Once you’re challenged, you can’t take it.
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
Sirilo: I am challenging you… with this rope. [sees] Uh, rope.
Tubarina: Rope! [throws, it lands on one of the claws on Sirilo’s crown] Sorry!
Sirilo: This rope. I challenge you to a tug of war. The winner stays, the loser must leave. Agree?
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
Sirilo: It’s both of you against me. You each take an end, I take the middle.
[crabs jabbering]
Sirilo: When I say go, we- Whoa!
Ester: Get him!
Polvina: Get to the rock!
Tubarina: A little more…
[they get the rope over the rock]
[crabs jabbering]
Ester: It’s working!
Tubarina: Brilliant!
Polvina: They so want to beat Sirilo that they don’t realise they’re pulling against each other!
Ester: How long can they keep this up for, Sirilo?
Sirilo: Let’s see, they’ve been fighting since yesterday, take their size, think how strong a spidercrab is- uh, your guess is as good as mine.
Ester: I can’t believe they’ll do it for much longer.
Tubarina: I’ll give them… 10 more minutes.
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
Ester: [grumbles] How long did you say they could keep doing this for, Tubarina?
Tubarina: I forget.
Polvina: One of them has to get tired.
Tubarina: I know I am.
Ester: We’ll be okay as long as the rope doesn’t break.
Polvina: [sees, gasps] Oh, no!
Ester: Don’t tell me.
Polvina: It is going to break!
Tubarina: Grab it!
Sirilo: [gets to the rope and grabs onto it just as it breaks, grunting]
Ester: Great work, Sirilo!
Sirilo: [mumbling]
Tubarina: You said it, Sirilo!
Polvina: Keep holding on!
Sirilo: [mumbling]
Ester: Look there!
Polvina: They’re slowing down!
Tubarina: They’ve had it!
Ester: Just a little more, Sirilo.
Polvina: They’re about to give up!
Sirilo: [grunting and mumbling]
[crabs jabbering, then they fall to the ground]
Sirilo: [sighs, lets go of the rope and falls off the rock]
Ester: You did it!
Polvina: We knew you could.
Tubarina: Great going, Sirilo!
Ester: Now, go out there and tell them who’s boss!
Sirilo: [dazed] Must… tell them… who’s… boss. Who’s boss?
Tubarina: You!
Sirilo: Me! I’m the boss. [to crabs] We made a deal. You’ve gotta keep the deal. What was the deal again?
[crabs jabbering]
Sirilo: Right. The strongest stays, the losers must go. That means you two.
[crabs jabbering, claws clacking]
Sirilo: You can come back to Salacia anytime you want. But no more fighting.
Ester: You showed them, Sirilo.
Polvina: You really were the strongest.
Sirilo: That’s not true.
Tubarina: Maybe not the strongest in muscle power…
Polvina: …but definitely the strongest in brain power!
Ester: So now what do you say, Sirilo?
Sirilo: I say, everyone back to the Crab Palace for snacks.
Ester: That’s the best idea yet!
Tubarina: That’s real brain power!
Girls and Sirilo: [laughing]